This archive contains three files: sc-yamato.iobj.readme..........this file 2.0 object file deckwood.brush.................ILBM color map This is an IMAGINE 2.0 realization of the YAMATO from the Japanese sci-fi/comic adventure "Star Cruiser Yamato" (which appeared in the U.S. as a TV show retitled "Starblazers"). As I understand it (all my literature is directly imported, and I don't read Kanji - just the pictures) this is the actual Japanese battleship, raised and refitted as a starship. A dynamite concept, and in additon to the YAMATO it produced some other visually striking starships (of which I also plan to upload IMAGINE objects if there is any interest). This object is from a small (5-inch/12.7-cm) model produced by Bandai. Making a few assumptions gives the IMAGINE object a scale of 1 Imagine unit to 1 meter - at 260m long a bit small compared to major ships from the StarTrek universe, but other units (true star battleships) are larger; cruisers and destroyers are smaller. Tertiary and smaller "guns" have been ignored. Turrets and "guns" are grouped objects which can be articulated or used in your own projects if desired. This object is free for your use, but may not be distributed without this file or due acknowledgement to Bandai, the copyright holders of "Star Cruiser Yamato/Starblazers," and Paul Weiser, GEnie mail code P.WEISER P.S. If there are any Japanese or American GEnie subscribers with more information on the "Star Cruiser Yamato" universe, I'd love to hear from you. All I did was collect the models. -paw